Daily Prompt: Being Impulsive!

Daily Prompt: Sometimes, we act on impulse: it could be something as small as ordering that special dessert on the menu, maybe asking out that cute boy or girl, or as large quitting your job and selling everything you own to become a shepherd in New Zealand. What’s the most crazy, outrageously impulsive thing you’ve ever done? If you’ve never succumbed to temptation, dream a little. If you gave yourself permission to go a little crazy, what would you do?

Ever watched ‘The Perks of being a Wallflower’? Well, you know the tunnel scene and that beautiful but terribly overused line, “And in that moment, I swear we were infinite”?

If I could, and if I knew there was no chance of an accident, (or an arrest), and if one of my friends wouldn’t mind driving me, I would go out with a few people in the early hours of the morning and find a road tunnel which was lit up from the inside. I would turn up David Bowie’s ‘Heroes’ to full blast and as we drove closer and closer towards the end of the tunnel, I would stand up, half my body in the car and half my body sticking out of the sunroof, and lift both my arms in the air. Then I would scream as we emerged from the tunnel and into the night air with David Bowie’s voice singing into the darkness. I would sit back down in the car and then say to my friends, “And in that moment, I swear we were infinite”. And then we would all laugh at how clichéd it all was! Unfortunately I don’t think the police would be very pleased with our antics…
